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Exclusively In Photos : Headed for the beach? Don't forget your facekini.Chinese Women Modeling the Latest Beachwear - حصريا بالصور:الصينيون بمدينة تشينغداو الساحلية ملثمون للشاطىء كالمصارعون

A woman wears a facekini while swimming on Aug. 22, 2014, in the Yellow Sea in Qingdao.
A woman wears a facekini while swimming on Aug. 22, 2014, in the Yellow Sea in Qingdao.

فى الصين بلد العجائب والغرائب.عندما تزور البحر ستفزع بالفعل لوجود ملثمون رجال ونساء على الساحل ذاهبون لتقضية وقتهم مع أسرهم ولكنهم كلهم ملثمون

A woman wears a facekini as she swims on Aug. 20, 2014, on the Yellow Sea in Qingdao.
A woman wears a facekini as she swims on Aug. 20, 2014, on the Yellow Sea in Qingdao.

يشبهون المصاعين فى القناع الذى يلبسونه فى مدينة تشينفداو الساحلية على الشاطىء.يحاولون استحداث موجة جديدة من الموضة فى أوربا وفرنسا بغطاء للرأس والوجه للحماية من ملوحة البحر مع الشمس بغطاء بيكينى للرأس كما أسموه (بيكينى الوجه)

بيكينى الوجه أو اللانجينى بالصينية كان أول موضة تظهر فى عام 2012 عندما بدأت مجموعة من النساء أرتداؤه فى تشينغداو ثم بدأت بالتزايد ووقال تقرير في 19 أغسطس وكالة الأنباء الحكومية (شينخوا)الصينية وقال المواطن زانج شيفان الباغ من العمر 58 عاما بأن المواطنون قد أخترعوا هذا الغطاء لحماية الوجه والرأس من حرارة الشمس وملوحة البحر وهجمات وقرصات قناديل البحر هناك

These Aren’t Wrestlers, They’re Chinese Women Modeling the Latest Beachwear

A woman wears a facekini as she poses on Aug. 21, 2014, in the Yellow Sea in Qingdao, China.
A woman wears a facekini as she poses on Aug. 21, 2014, in the Yellow Sea in Qingdao, China.

A woman wears a facekini as she poses on Aug. 21, 2014, in the Yellow Sea in Qingdao.
A woman wears a facekini as she poses on Aug. 21, 2014, in the Yellow Sea in Qingdao.

البشرة الشاحبة مرحب بها فى الصين.لدرجة ان المصطلح العلمى للمرأة الجذابة هناك كما يطلق عليه (باى فو مى) يكون فقط للسيدات الجميلات والأغنياء مثل من يمارسون عملية تذهيب جسدهم كتلوين للبشرة (تان) وقال المواطنون هناك بأنهم مندهشون جدا من أنتشار شعبية هذا الغطاء للوجة والرأس بصورة كبيرة

When you look at Kevin Frayer’s slightly unsettling images, you ask yourself if masked Mexican wrestlers have invaded the coastal Chinese city of Qingdao. But no.

Women wear facekinis as they stand in the water on Aug. 20, 2014, on the Yellow Sea in Qingdao.
Women wear facekinis as they stand in the water on Aug. 20, 2014, on the Yellow Sea in Qingdao.

A girl wears a facekini as she floats in the water on Aug. 21, 2014, on the Yellow Sea in Qingdao.
A girl wears a facekini as she floats in the water on Aug. 21, 2014, on the Yellow Sea in Qingdao.

The lucha libre look is just the latest in beachwear, a must-have for women worried about getting too much — or, um, any — sun. And while they may look a little frightening — “other people may worry you plan to rob a bank!” observed one netizen — they are the talk of the town, from China’s stodgy state press to supposedly chic French fashion magazines.

A woman wears a facekini as she walks into the water to swim on the beach on Aug. 22, 2014, on the Yellow Sea in Qingdao.
A woman wears a facekini as she walks into the water to swim on the beach on Aug. 22, 2014, on the Yellow Sea in Qingdao.

A woman and her daughter wear facekinis while swimming on Aug. 22, 2014, in the Yellow Sea in Qingdao.
A woman and her daughter wear facekinis while swimming on Aug. 22, 2014, in the Yellow Sea in Qingdao.

The facekini, or lianjini in Chinese, first made waves in 2012, when a bunch of Chinese women were photographed wearing them in Qingdao. An Aug. 19 report in Xinhua, China’s state newswire, said 58-year-old resident Zhang Shifan created the look to protect herself from jellyfish and the summer sun.

A woman wears a facekini as she poses on Aug. 21, 2014, in the Yellow Sea in Qingdao.

A woman wears a facekini as she poses on Aug. 21, 2014, in the Yellow Sea in Qingdao.

A woman wears a facekini as she poses on Aug. 21, 2014, in the Yellow Sea in Qingdao.
A woman wears a facekini as she poses on Aug. 21, 2014, in the Yellow Sea in Qingdao.

Pale skin is prized in China — so much so that the slang term for an attractive woman is bai fu mei, or fair, rich, beautiful — but even Zhang said she was caught off guard by the level of interest. “I’m so surprised that this mask is so popular,” she told Xinhua.

A woman wears a facekini as she swims on Aug. 20, 2014, on the Yellow Sea in Qingdao.

A woman wears a facekini as she swims on Aug. 20, 2014, on the Yellow Sea in Qingdao.

A woman and her daughter wear facekinis as they leave the water at the beach on Aug. 21, 2014, on the Yellow Sea in Qingdao.

A woman and her daughter wear facekinis as they leave the water at the beach on Aug. 21, 2014, on the Yellow Sea in Qingdao.

A woman adjust her facekini as she talks with others as they stand on the beach on Aug. 21, 2014, on the Yellow Sea in Qingdao.

A woman adjust her facekini as she talks with others as they stand on the beach on Aug. 21, 2014, on the Yellow Sea in Qingdao.

A woman wears a facekini as she poses on Aug. 21, 2014, in the Yellow Sea in Qingdao.
A woman wears a facekini as she poses on Aug. 21, 2014, in the Yellow Sea in Qingdao.

Women wear facekinis as they exercise on the beach on Aug. 20, 2014, on the Yellow Sea in Qingdao.
Women wear facekinis as they exercise on the beach on Aug. 20, 2014, on the Yellow Sea in Qingdao.

A woman wears a facekini as she poses on Aug. 21, 2014, in the Yellow Sea in Qingdao.
A woman wears a facekini as she poses on Aug. 21, 2014, in the Yellow Sea in Qingdao.

A woman wearing a facekini sits next to men on the beach on Aug. 20, 2014, on the Yellow Sea in Qingdao.
A woman wearing a facekini sits next to men on the beach on Aug. 20, 2014, on the Yellow Sea in Qingdao.

A woman wears a facekini as she gets wet before swimming on Aug. 22, 2014, on the Yellow Sea in Qingdao.
A woman wears a facekini as she gets wet before swimming on Aug. 22, 2014, on the Yellow Sea in Qingdao.

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