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Goat born with a HUMAN FACE - ولادة معزة برأس إنسان في الارجنتين

بالصور.. ولادة معزة برأس إنسان في الارجنتين

تعرضت أسرة فيلالبا، من الأرجنتين، لهجوم عنيف من قبل نشطاء مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي بعدما نشرت صورة لمعزة مولودة برأس بشري.

The shocked farmer and his family claim that the calf would bring them bad luck, and rushed to bury the animal – that was already dead when it was born.

One of the farmer's neighbours snapped pics of the goat to highlight the excessive use of pesticides in the region of Centro, Argentina.

But supersticious locals decided it was something else altogether, and started spreading rumours that someone connected to the family had been having sex with a goat, producing the mutated offspring.

The farmer's wife Olga Villalba has now been forced into furious denials saying that neither her family or friends had interfered with the goat in any way.

بالصور.. ولادة معزة برأس إنسان في الارجنتين

وذكرت صحيفة "ديلي ميل"البريطانية، أن سكان مدينة "سينترو"اتهموا الأسرة بالشذوذ وممارسة الجنس مع الحيوانات، بعدما رفع صديق العائلة صورة للمعزة على الإنترنت.

She said: "It was dead when it was born, we just want to get rid of it as quickly as possible so we buried it in a hole in the ground.

"It was clearly a genetic mutation caused by the excessive use of pesticides.

"Another neighbour who was here and was curious took a picture which they unfortunately posted online sparking these ridiculous allegations."

The family added they had been bombarded with extremely aggressive messages on social media from people convinced that it was only through a cross between human and goat that the images could have been taken.

بالصور.. ولادة معزة برأس إنسان في الارجنتين

ويعتقد البعض أن تلك الحالة الغريبة سببها المبيدات الحشرية، فيما أنكرت "أولجا فيلالبا"زوجة المزارع الذي عثر على المعزة كل الاتهامات التي وجهت لأسرتها، قائلة: "لم يتعامل أي من أسرتي أو من أصدقائنا مع المعزة الغريبة عند ولادتها".

Why was this dead goat born with a head like a HUMAN baby's? Argentinian farmer forced to go into hiding after accusations it is due to pesticides... or bestiality

  • Argentinian farmers accused of bestiality after images of goat went viral

  • The stillborn kid had a deformity which made its head appear 'human'

  • The farmers believe the deformity is a result of pesticides used in the area 

بالصور.. ولادة معزة برأس إنسان في الارجنتين

وأضافت: "كانت ميتة عندما ولدت، وأردنا فقط التخلص منها بأقصى سرعة بدفنها في حفرة بالأرض"، موضحة أنه مجرد تشوه جيني ناجم عن الاستخدام المفرط للمبيدات.

An Argentinian family has found itself on the receiving end of a barrage of online abuse after one of their goats gave birth to a calf with a ‘human’ head.

The Villalba family from Centro, in the north-western Argentinian province of Salta, say they have been accused of bestiality after a friend posted images of the still-born kid on social media.

The friend posted the image of the baby goat, believed to have been deformed as a result of pesticides, to show the effects of insect repellent use in the area. 

وأكدت أن جارها كان موجودا في لحظة ولادة المعزة والتقط صورة لها ونشرها على الإنترنت مما أثار كل هذه الادعاءات السخيفة.

Shortly afterwards the farming family were subjected to abuse and horrifying accusations by superstitious locals when the images went viral.

The Villalba family have been bombarded with accusations that somebody among their number had been having sex with their goat.

The farmer's wife Olga Villalba has now been forced into furious denials saying that neither her family nor any of their friends had interfered with the goat in any way when the mutant kid was born.

She said: ‘It was dead when it was born, we just want to get rid of it as quickly as possible so we buried it in a hole in the ground. 

‘It was clearly a genetic mutation caused by the excessive use of pesticides.

‘Another neighbour who was here and was curious took a picture which they unfortunately posted online sparking these ridiculous allegations.’
The family added that some of the social media messages were extremely aggressive people convinced that it was only through a cross between human and goat that the bizarre offspring shown on the viral images could have been created.

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