اعتقلت الشرطة الهندية رجلًا مارس الجنس مع دجاجة تُشبه الديك الرومي، وتُدعى غينيا، في حديقة محلية متخصصة في تربية الدجاج.
وتأكد إن مايكل بسيجانو (42 عامًا) قصد الحديقة بهدف الاعتداء جنسيًا على واحدٍ من الطيور الموجودة، ثم قام بقتله محاولًا إخفاءه داخل سلَّة المهملات.
وبحسب الموقع، فإن الشرطة الهندية اقتحمت منزل مايكل وعثرت على ريش، أظهر اختبار الحمض النووي تطابقًا بينه وبين الريش الذي وُجد في النفايات.
إلى ذلك، أكدت الشرطة أن مايكل كان يرتدي سروال جينز أزرق ملطّخ بالدماء، وتبين فيما بعد أن الدم ينتمي إلى أنواعٍ مختلفة من الحيوانات.
مايكل، الذي تؤكد والدته أنه يعاني من انفصامٍ في الشخصية منذ ولادته، لديه تاريخ حافل في الاعتداءات الجنسية على الحيوانات. ففي عام 1992 أُدين بممارسة الجنس مع كلب من نوع الروت وايلر، وعام 2002 سجن 4 سنوات بعد ممارسة الجنس مع دجاجة وقتلها داخل غرفة فندق.
يذكر أن الاعتداء الجنسي على الحيوانات في الهند يعتبر جرمًا منذ عام 2002.
An Indiana man previously convicted of having sex with a chicken is now accused of having sex with another bird.
Michael Bessigano, 42, was arrested last Friday at his home on felony charges of bestiality and killing a domestic animal, the Times of Munster reported.
The suspect allegedly went to a local park and entered a building where guinea fowls were being housed. Witnesses who identified Bessigano to police said the man sexually assaulted one of the birds, killed it, and attempted to hide the carcass in a trash barrel.
Authorities executed a search warrant and said they found bird feathers at the residence. More from Times of Munster:
DNA testing showed the feathers at Bessigano's home matched the bird found dead in the Buckley Homestead trash barrel, according to police.
Police said Bessigano was wearing blue jeans covered in blood when they searched his home. An analysis by the Indiana State Police Laboratory found the blood on the jeans belonged to an undetermined species of animal.
The animal abuser allegedly had a rubber wolf mask and an altar of candles set up at his residence.
Bessigano, whose mother says suffers from schizophrenia, has a long history involving animal cruelty and bestiality.
In 1992 he was convicted of having sex with and killing a Rottweiler. He served two years.
In 2002, Bessigano was sentenced to four years in prison after having sex with and killing a chicken. In that incident, police said he took the chicken to a hotel room, plucked its feathers, then sexually abused the animal before killing it.
While in jail, Bessigano would reportedly paint stripes on himself and refer to himself as the "master of cats," according to the Chicagoist.
After the 2002 incident, a law was passed making sexual relations with animals a crime.