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Pictures. «Kobanî» oldsters Women stand carrying «Kalashnikov» against «ISIS» - بالصور.. نساء «كوباني» العجائز يقفن بـ«كلاشينكوف» ضد «داعش»

بالصور.. نساء «كوباني» العجائز يقفن بـ«كلاشينكوف» ضد «داعش»

صورة لسيدات مدينة"كوباني"الكردية وهن يحملن بنادق كلاشنيكوف لحماية مدينتهن ضد هجمات تنظيم"داعش"الإرهابي. 

وذكر أن رئيس الوزراء البريطاني "ديفيد كاميرون"تعهد بعدم سماح بريطانيا وحلفائها للتنظيم الإرهابي "داعش"بأن يشكل خلافة إسلامية على أعتاب أوربا، ولكن بالرغم من ذلك تمكنت "داعش"من شن هجوم عنيف على مدينة"كوباني"الكردية في سوريا، موضحةُ أنه إذا نجحت "داعش"في السيطرة على "كوباني"، سوف تقترب كثيرًا من دولة تركيا العضو بحلف الناتو.

Photo: #Kurdish fighters battling #ISIS advances.

و صورة السيدات العجائز ببنادق كلاشينكوف جابت العالم بأكمله، أمس، عبر موقع التواصل الاجتماعي "تويتر"محاولة لرفع الوعي بمحنة "كوباني".

وأشارت الصحيفة إلى فشل محاولة الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية منع وصول "داعش"إلى مثل هذه المدن القريبة من دول حلف الناتو من خلال الضربات الجوية، فقد شنت "داعش"هجومًا على "كوباني"تمكن الأكراد من صده.

Women and children take up arms in last, desperate stand in key border town as tensions rise across Turkey while government does nothing

New ISIS footage shows militants in control of a hill overlooking Kobane

They say they will stop at nothing as they advance towards the town  

Questions raised over effectiveness of airstrikes in defeating ISIS militants 

Group has continued to gain territory despite weeks of Western bombing

U.S. airstrikes took place in besieged Syrian city of Kobane this morning

بالصور.. نساء «كوباني» العجائز يقفن بـ«كلاشينكوف» ضد «داعش»

Strikes came one day after terrorists raised flag over a building in suburbs

Turkish prime minister says hitting ISIS from air will not stop fall of Kobane

Despite promising not to let it happen days ago Recep Tayyip Erdogan said fall of city is now imminent

His words come amid increasing anger across Turkey over lack of action 

بالصور.. نساء «كوباني» العجائز يقفن بـ«كلاشينكوف» ضد «داعش»

Children armed with AK-47s fought to the death to defend Kobani yesterday after air strikes failed to stop their Islamic State enemies.

They had ignored orders to flee from Kurdish officials who warned they could no longer protect them.

Using tanks and advanced weaponry, the jihadis easily outgunned the garrison of the Syrian border town.

Their relentless advance starkly illustrates the limitations of air strikes. 

All for one: The snaps were posted on Twitter and captioned ‘Kurdish family vs Isis terorist (sic) in Kobane. Kurds in Kobane need help!’

All for one: The snaps were posted on Twitter and captioned ‘Kurdish family vs Isis terorist (sic) in Kobane. Kurds in Kobane need help!’

United against ISIS: Several images emerged today showing young and old in Kobani fighting ISIS

Six US-led bombing raids had appeared to slow the IS assault on Kobani, destroying four armoured vehicles and damaging a tank. 

بالصور.. نساء «كوباني» العجائز يقفن بـ«كلاشينكوف» ضد «داعش»

Kurdish forces scored similar successes in the south and east of Kobani. Yet government officials later said the town, which has been besieged for three weeks, was about to fall.

The announcement came as photos emerged of families – including women and children – joining in the fight against IS. A boy of barely ten was pictured carrying an AK-47.  

Big guns: A man and young boy, possibly his son, pose holding AK-47s while defending Kobani

Big guns: A man and young boy, possibly his son, pose holding AK-47s while defending Kobani

Another picture showed a gun-toting teenage girl wearing a hoodie, jeans and ballet pumps.  

The photographs were posted on Twitter yesterday with the comment: ‘Kurdish family vs Isis terrorists in Kobani. Kurds in Kobani need help!’ 

Artillery shells continued to thump into densely packed neighbourhoods yesterday. Thousands of militants have advanced into the south-west of Kobani and are engaged in desperate street-fighting. 

Mahmoud, 50, said he had seen IS fighters in the streets: ‘I don’t know where they were all coming from, but once they were killed, more IS would come.’  

New footage released by ISIS and posted on social media reportedly shows how they are in control of a strategic hill on the outskirts of the city of Kobane 

New footage released by ISIS and posted on social media reportedly shows how they are in control of a strategic hill on the outskirts of the city of Kobane 

One of the fighters claims that thanks to the help of God, they have taken over hill, and that fighters will crawl towards the city 

One of the fighters claims that thanks to the help of God, they have taken over hill, and that fighters will crawl towards the city 

The ISIS fighters say they are ready to 'liberate' Kobane from the 'infidels' despite the airstrikes 

The ISIS fighters say they are ready to 'liberate' Kobane from the 'infidels' despite the airstrikes 

ISIS fighters raise up their weapons as they walk across the hill overlooking the city of Kobane, which they have said nothing will stop them from capturing

ISIS fighters raise up their weapons as they walk across the hill overlooking the city of Kobane, which they have said nothing will stop them from capturing

A veteran Kurdish leader, Omar Sheikhmous, said civilians were being advised to flee to Turkey – out of the reach of IS. 

Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan told Syrian refugees in Gaziantep, a town near the border: ‘The problem of IS cannot be solved via air bombardment. Kobani is about to fall.’ 

Fourteen Turkish tanks were lined up just 200 yards across the border from Kobani. Turkey, a member of Nato, has done little despite pledging to stop Kobani from falling to IS.  

Hit: A picture taken from inside Turkey shows smoke rising over the Syrian city of Kobane following yesterday's airstrikes against ISIS militants. The terrorists have been besieging the city for the last three weeks

Hit: A picture taken from inside Turkey shows smoke rising over the Syrian city of Kobane following this morning's airstrikes against ISIS militants. The terrorists have been besieging the city for the last three weeks

Blast: The U.S. led anti-ISIS coalition carried out yesterday's airstrikes in Kobane. The attacks targeted ISIS militants who have advanced into the city, which is located right on northern Syria's border with Turkey

Blast: The U.S. led anti-ISIS coalition carried out this morning's airstrikes in Kobane. The attacks targeted ISIS militants who have advanced into the city, which is located right on northern Syria's border with Turkey

Strike: Journalists on the Turkish side of the border heard the sound of planes before two large plumes of smoke billowed just west of Kobane in yesterday's attack

Strike: This morning journalists on the Turkish side of the border heard the sound of planes before two large plumes of smoke billowed just west of Kobane (pictured here and in the below image)

One Twitter user wrote: ‘So our Nato ally is standing close by, watch(ing) kids and grannies fight IS?’

Syrian Kurds have said that not only are the Turks not helping, they are actually hindering the defence of Kobani by preventing Kurdish militiamen in Turkey from crossing the border.

The Turkish government is said to fear encouraging the Kurdish separatist movement inside its own borders. 

Syrian Kurds have exploited the state of civil war in their country to carve out a self-governing region on their side of the border. 

Fire: A building believed to have been occupied by ISIS forces in the Kobane suburbs is seen burning following airstrikes by a U.S. led coalition against the terror group

Fire: A building believed to have been occupied by ISIS forces in the Kobane suburbs is seen burning following airstrikes by a U.S. led coalition against the terror group this morning

Threat: A black flag belonging to ISIS was raised above a four-storey building in the Kobane suburbs yesterday. This morning's airstrikes are said to have targeted this streets around the building

Threat: A black flag belonging to ISIS was raised above a four-storey building in the Kobane suburbs yesterday. This morning's airstrikes are said to have targeted this streets around the building

Kurdish officials issued a fresh plea for international intervention, saying: ‘We are calling out to all international powers, forces from Kurdistan and Kurdish public that IS thugs must be stopped and thousands of civilians must be saved from massacre.’


If they do take the town, IS – also known as Isis – will control an unbroken 125-mile stretch of frontier between Turkey and Syria. 


More than 400 people have been killed in the Kobani region since the fighting began, according to the UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. 


Two black IS flags were seen flying on Kobani’s eastern fringe on Monday, hours before militants punctured the Kurdish front lines and advanced into the town itself. 

Fear: A newly arrived Syrian Kurdish refugee girl cries as she sits in the back of a truck after crossing into Turkey from the Syrian border town of Kobani

Fear: A newly arrived Syrian Kurdish refugee girl cries as she sits in the back of a truck after crossing into Turkey from the Syrian border town of Kobani

Tears: A young child holds a water bottle during a break in their long journey to escape ISIS 

Fleeing Newly arrived Syrian Kurdish refugees walk with their belongings after crossing into Turkey

Tears: A young child holds a water bottle during a break in their long journey to escape ISIS 

Tears: A young child holds a water bottle during a break in their long journey to escape ISIS 

Security: Turkish Gendarmerie (law enforcement) search newly arrived Syrian Kurdish refugees at a checkpoint after crossing into into Turkey

Security: Turkish Gendarmerie (law enforcement) search newly arrived Syrian Kurdish refugees at a checkpoint after crossing into into Turkey

Refugees: A Kurdish child waits after crossing into Turkey with his family

Refugees: A Kurdish child waits after crossing into Turkey with his family

An image taken from Turkey, which shows the Islamic State flag being flown by militants in the east of the Syrian city of Kobane

An image taken from Turkey, which shows the Islamic State flag being flown by militants in the east of the Syrian city of Kobane

Targets: The US-led coalition has launched a number of airstrikes over the past two weeks near Kobane in a bid to help Kurdish forces defend the town. The sorties appear to have done little to slow Islamic State, which captured several nearby villages in a rapid advance that began in mid-September

Targets: The US-led coalition has launched several airstrikes over the past two weeks near Kobani in a bid to help Kurdish forces defend the town, but the sorties appear to have done little to slow Islamic State, which captured several nearby villages in a rapid advance that began in mid-September

Capturing the moment: Men standing on the Turkish side of the border take photographs as U.S.-led airstrikes against ISIS militants take place behind them in the besieged Syrian city of Kobane 

Capturing the moment: Men standing on the Turkish side of the border take photographs as U.S.-led airstrikes against ISIS militants take place behind them in the besieged Syrian city of Kobane 

Spectators: Turkish men watch as an airstrike destroys a building in Kobane thought to have been held by ISIS

Spectators: Turkish men watch as an airstrike destroys a building in Kobane thought to have been held by ISIS

Looking on: Men in the Suruc district of Sanliurfa in Turkey watch as Islamic State militants in neighbouring Kobane, Syria are targeted by U.S. led airstrikes

Looking on: Men in the Suruc district of Sanliurfa in Turkey watch as Islamic State militants in neighbouring Kobane, Syria are targeted by U.S. led airstrikes

Document: A Turkish man takes a photograph as smoke rises from an building across the border in Kobane

Document: A Turkish man takes a photograph as smoke rises from an building across the border in Kobane

Turkish people stand and look on as clashes between ISIS and Kurdish armed forces continue in Kobane today 

Turkish people stand and look on as clashes between ISIS and Kurdish armed forces continue in Kobane today 

Kurdish people watch as air strikes rain down on the city of Kobane in Syria 

Kurdish people watch as air strikes rain down on the city of Kobane in Syria 


Death: Deilar Kanj Khamis, known by the nom de guerre Arin Mirkan, blew herself up at an IS position east of the border town, killing ten jihadists

Death: Deilar Kanj Khamis, known by the nom de guerre Arin Mirkan, blew herself up at an IS position east of the border town, killing ten jihadists

A female Kurdish fighter carried out a suicide bomb attack against advancing Islamic State militants, it has emerged.

Deilar Kanj Khamis, known by her military name Arin Mirkan, blew herself up at an IS position east of the border town of Kobane, killing ten jihadists.

It was the first known case of a female Kurdish fighter carrying out a suicide bomb attack against ISIS.


As Kurdish fighters withdrew from a position on the strategic hill of Mistenur, above the city, Khamis stayed behind.

In a desperate attempt to stop them advancing, she attacked IS fighters with gunfire and grenades and then eventually blew herself up, according to a defence official in Syria's Kurdish region.


She was among 15 fighters who 'martyred' themselves after facing jihadists, 'with all their strength', it was reported in a statement.

According to sources, she was a mother with two children, though this was unconfirmed.

While there is little else known about Mirkan, she was a member of the Women's Protection Unit, a branch of the Peoples Protection Units. The force has more than 10,000 female fighters who played a major role in the battles against IS.

Yesterday the force suggested all of their fighters would martyr themselves if it meant defeating IS and protecting the pivotal border town. 

Deilar Kanj Khamis. It was the first known case of a female Kurdish fighter carrying out a suicide bomb against IS. According to tributes on Twitter, she was a mother with two children

David Cameron faced fresh pressure to extend the RAF’s air campaign against IS into Syria, while Kurdish officials and analysts said the extremists would only be defeated by ground troops. 

Charlie Cooper, a spokesman at the Quilliam Foundation, a British counter-extremism think-tank, told the Mail: ‘Air strikes won’t really work because IS are continually changing tactics. 

'What they do now is they run and shelter when they hear the planes coming, and while it may slow them down, it does not kill them.’

In Iraq, US forces have begun attacking IS forces with helicopter gunships, which are supposed to be limited to protecting the American embassy in Baghdad. 

Low-flying Apache helicopters, which can be mounted with machine guns, rather than bombs, are said to be the closest thing to ground troops without putting boots on the ground. 

Ready for action: Turkish soldiers patrol the Turkey-Syria border overlooking Kobane this morning

Ready for action: Turkish soldiers patrol the Turkey-Syria border overlooking Kobane this morning

On guard: Soldiers and heavily armed police officers (pictured her and in the below image) over the border in Turkey ordered locals to stay indoors while the airstrikes took place this morning

On guard: Soldiers and heavily armed police officers (pictured her and in the below image) over the border in Turkey ordered locals to stay indoors while the airstrikes took place this morning

Clashes: Military police battle with Kurdish demonstrators during an anti-Islamic State protest near Sanliurfa in southern Turkey today

Clashes: Military police battle with Kurdish demonstrators during an anti-Islamic State protest near Sanliurfa in southern Turkey today

Tear gas: The anti-Islamic State protests took place near Sanliurfa in southern Turkey earlier this morning

Tear gas: The anti-Islamic State protests took place near Sanliurfa in southern Turkey earlier this morning

Turkish youths clash with government forces during an anti-ISIS protest close to the border with Syria today  

Turkish youths clash with government forces during an anti-ISIS protest close to the border with Syria today  
A young boy shouts as Turkish army soldiers try to remove Kurdish people from the Turkish-Syrian border near to Kobane 

A young boy shouts as Turkish army soldiers try to remove Kurdish people from the Turkish-Syrian border near to Kobane 

Street fighting raged between Kurdish forces and ISIS fanatics , after the terror group advanced into Kobane

Surrounded: Street fighting raged between Kurdish forces and ISIS fanatics yesterday, after the terror group advanced into the suburbs of Kobane

Police failed to stop a schoolgirl feared to be travelling to Syria despite being told that she had run away with her passport.

Three hours after Samya Dirie’s parents alerted officers on September 24, she got on a flight from Heathrow to Turkey with another girl.

The girls are believed to have met online and arranged to travel to Syria, apparently to join Islamic State militants. Samya, 17, from Stockwell, South London, was a dedicated student, her family said yesterday.

She has not contacted her parents, but has told a cousin she is ‘far away’ and fears what the police will do if she returns. Her father Abidirashiid Dirie issued an emotional plea, saying: ‘You haven’t committed any crime. Come back safely.’

Civil unrest: Police intervene protesters taking streets across Turkey to hold unauthorized demonstrations against the advance ofI SIS in Kobani

Civil unrest: Police intervene protesters taking streets across Turkey to hold unauthorized demonstrations against the advance ofI SIS in Kobani

 A group of protesters are seen throwing rocks at police during a protest in the capital Ankara

A group of protesters are seen throwing rocks at police during a protest in the capital Ankara

Flames: Kurdish protesters angry at the gains made by Islamic State terrorists in Syria clashed with Turkish riot police in the southern city of Diyarbakir today

Flames: Kurdish protesters angry at the gains made by Islamic State terrorists in Syria clashed with Turkish riot police in the southern city of Diyarbakir today

Anger: A Turkish protester covers his face as police use tear gas to disperse a crowd during furious anti-ISIS demonstrations in Diyarbakir earlier today

Anger: A Turkish protester covers his face as police use tear gas to disperse a crowd during furious anti-ISIS demonstrations in Diyarbakir earlier today

Rage: Crowds in Diyarbakir, southern Turkey throw rocks and bottles at police during a protest against ISIS

Rage: Crowds in Diyarbakir, southern Turkey throw rocks and bottles at police during a protest against ISIS

Meanwhile in Istanbul anti-ISIS demonstrations also descended into clashes between protesters and the police

Meanwhile in Istanbul anti-ISIS demonstrations also descended into clashes between protesters and the police

Disperse: Turkish police use water cannon during angry protests against the Islamic State in Istanbul today

Disperse: Turkish police use water cannon during angry protests against the Islamic State in Istanbul today

An protester dons a gas mask 

An anti-ISIS protester dons a gas mask and carries glass bottles during tense demonstrations in Istanbul today

Cross-country riots: Turkish riot police detain protesters as the demonstrations spread to Ankara

Cross-country riots: Turkish riot police detain protesters as the demonstrations spread to Ankara

A person holds a flag as police uses tear gas and water cannon on October 7, 2014 in Ankara against demonstrators who protest against attacks launched by Islamic State insurgents targeting the Syrian city of Kobane and lack of action by the governmeRiot: t. Fresh air strikes by the US-led coalition hit positions held by Islamic State jihadists in the southwest of the key Syrian border town of Ain al-Arab (Kobane), according to an AFP journalist just across the border in Turkey. The strikes came a day after the extremists pushed into Kobane, seizing three districts in the city's east after fierce street battles with its Kurdish defenders.  AFP PHOTO/ADEM ALTANADEM ALTAN/AFP/Getty Images

Protests: A demonstrator runs through tear gas as police fought ot retain order in Ankara

Fight the police: Protesters throw stones at a police vehicle in Ankara on Tuesday afternoon

Fight the police: Protesters throw stones at a police vehicle in Ankara on Tuesday afternoon

Fightback: Police turned on the demonstrators with  tear gas and water cannon in order to make them disperse

Fightback: Police turned on the demonstrators with tear gas and water cannon in order to make them disperse


Turkey has demanded the U.S. carry out military action against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad a a condition for further Turkish support in fighting against Islamic State militants.

Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said that a no-fly zone must immediately be put in place over Syria to protect the Turkish border from both the threat of attack, as well as millions of Syrian refugees who have poured into the country during three years of intense fighting.

In order to put a no-fly zone in place, however, the U.S. would need to conduct targeted strikes on Assad's air defences, as well as provide additional support for millions of potential refugees. 

'We want to have a no-fly zone, we want to have a safe have on our border,' Mr Davutoglu told CNN News.

Turkey is reluctant to assist Kurdish fighters because they are affiliated with the banned Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) - a group recently described as 'the same as ISIS' by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan (pictured)

Turkey is reluctant to assist Kurdish fighters because they are affiliated with the banned Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) - a group recently described as 'the same as ISIS' by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan (pictured)

'Otherwise all these burdens will continue to go on the shoulder of Turkey and other neighbouring countries,' he said, referring to the refugee crisis. 

'We are ready to do everything if there is a clear strategy that, after ISIS, we can be sure our border is protected,' Mr Davutoglu went on to say. 

Turkey has been criticised for an apparent lack of effort in targeting ISIS in neighbouring Syria and Iraq, although talks will take place next week to discuss the country's contribution to the U.S./Arab coalition currently carrying out airstrikes on the terror group.

Turkey has been reluctant to assist Syrian Kurdish fighters battling against ISIS because they are affiliated with the banned Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) - a group recently described as 'the same as ISIS' by Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Turkey has also been accused of 'doing deals' with ISIS, agreeing to allow up to 180 detained militants - including British-born jihadists - to rejoin the group, in return for the release of 46 Turkish citizens and three local Iraqi staff captured in the city of Mosul five months ago.

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