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Suspected devil worshiper 'killed woman, dismembered her body and ATE some of the remains' - أمريكى من عبدة الشيطان يقتل زوجته ويتناول أجزاء من جثتها

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ألقت سلطات الأمن فى ولاية "تينيسى"الأمريكية القبض على مواطن يدعى "جريجورى هيل"لقيامه بقتل زوجته السابقة وتناول أجزاء من جثتها تحقيقا لهلوسات عبادته للشيطان .

وكان "هيل" (37 عاما) قد قابل زوجته "ليزا هايدر"التى انفصلت عنه العام الماضى بأحد متاجر المشروبات الكحولية، ليقوم بأخذها إلى منزله مستغلا عدم اتزانها بسبب سكرها، ليقوم بقتلها وتقطيع جثتها لتناول أجزاء منها. 

وكانت شرطة "تينيسى"قد تلقت بلاغا من أحد جيران "هيل"الذى انتابته الشكوك حول جاره غريب الأطوار عندما جاء ليطلب منه جاروفا، مرجحا قيامه بقتل أحدهم ورغبته فى دفنه سريعا قبل انكشاف أمره. 

وقررت المحكمة إرسال "هيل"إلى السجن مدى الحياة دون أى فرصة فى إطلاق سراح مشروط، وذلك بعد اعترافه بجريمته مبررا إياها برغبته الشديدة فى تشويه أحدهم وتناول جثته، حتى لو كان زوجته التى أحبها حسب زعمه.

وكان "هيل"قد تعرض للفصل من عمله فى مجزرة للمواشى قبل الجريمة، بعد أن ضبطه مديره فى العمل وهو يقوم بطقوس شيطانية مريبة، فقد كان معتادا على أخذ أعين الحيوانات وأجزاء من عظمها معه إلى المنزل.

ووجدت الشرطة عندما فتشت منزل "هيل"أجزاء من جثة "هايدر"التى قام بفصل رأسها عن الجسد، وتقطيع باقى الجسد إلى أجزاء قام بدفن بعضها لاحقا، بينما اكتفى بإلقاء القلب بحديقة جيرانه المجاورة.


Gregory Hale, 37, charged with first-degree murder and abuse of corpse in the death of Lisa Hyder

Hale admitted to killing the woman, chopping up her body and consuming parts of corpse

A friend said Hale was fired from a slaughterhouse after the owner caught him performing satanic ritual

A Tennessee man has been arrested and charged with killing a woman, dismembering her body and devouring parts of her corpse.

Coffee County District Attorney Mickey Layne says 37-year-old Gregory Hale was apprehended at his home late Sunday on charges of premeditated first-degree murder and abuse of a corpse.

Layne says a neighbor told police he'd had a conversation with Hale and had reason to believe a homicide had been committed.

'Cannibal': Gregory Hale, 37, has been charged with murder and abuse of corpse after police say he killed a woman, chopped up her body and ate parts of the corpse

'Cannibal': Gregory Hale, 37, has been charged with murder and abuse of corpse after police say he killed a woman, chopped up her body and ate parts of the corpse

When officers arrived at the home, Layne says they found human remains on the grounds. They then questioned Hale and took him into custody.

The victim has been identified as 36-year-old Lisa Hyder, from Dekalb County. 

'We are very early in the investigation,' said Assistant District Attorney Marla Holloway. 'The officers were out late last night into the early hours of the morning gathering information.'

Layne says Hale has an attorney and is being held in jail on $1.5million bond. His next court date is June 23.

Detectives believe the gruesome murder took place inside Hale's rural home on Pete Sain Road in Manchester on or around Friday.

According to Hale's arrest affidavit, the suspect admitted to killing Lisa Hyder and then disposing of her body by beheading the victim and chopping off her hands and feet.

Officers who responded to Hale's residence after receiving a tip found at least two plastic buckets filled with human remains.

Site of grisly crime: Detectives believe the gruesome murder and cannibalism took place inside Hale's rural home on Pete Sain Road in Coffee County, Tennessee

Site of grisly crime: Detectives believe the gruesome murder and cannibalism took place inside Hale's rural home on Pete Sain Road in Coffee County, Tennessee

Hale buried the victim's torso in a burn pile on his property and consumed a part of the corpse, the document stated. 

Following his arrest, Hale told police he and Hyder did not know each other until they met in Manchester and went to the man's home, Times Free Press reported.

The two were sitting around the fire and talking when the 37-year-old allegedly attacked and killed Hyder.

Gregory Hale offered investigators no motive for the brutal slaying and subsequent cannibalism.

A friend of Hale's told the station WSMV the 37-year-old was a self-described devil worshiper who was fired from a slaughterhouse after the owner caught him performing a satanic ritual with animal parts.

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