Survivalists, otherwise known as "doomsday preppers," are having a moment of shine in popular culture. Some people believe that peppers are planning for nuclear warfare, or the world's inevitable economic collapse. Some believe that they are protecting themselves from the upcoming zombie apocalypse. Others believe that these pre-apocalypse preppers and planners are simply and certifiably insane.
No matter what side of shelter door you're on, you can't deny that the elaborate lengths that some people go to to prepare their doomsday shelters and supplies is absolutely compelling. Some shelters are historical, and built by governments during times of war. Others are the creation of individuals who just want to play it safe. Here, we've compiled a series of photos of some of the most souped-up, strong-walled, fully-stocked emergency shelters in the world -Charlie Hall's doomsday shelter is probably nicer than your apartment.
This is a public shelter in Zurich, Switzerland. In Switzerland and a few other countries around the world, every citizen is legally required to have access to a bomb shelter.

This particular Swiss bomb shelter is quite feminine and festive.

The Kelvedon Hatch Secret Nuclear Bunker in Essex, England

The Kelvedon Hatch was designed during the Cold War as a place to protect government officials. Now, it's a popular tourist destination.

An underground data storage facility in London, England.

Here, important government documents can be kept out of harm's way.

The Jiaozhuanghu Village tunnels in Beijing, China

The Jioazhuanghu tunnels and shelters were built in the late thirties and early forties, as part of the Chinese resistance against Japanese aggressors.

Charlie Hull’s shelter in Emigrant, Montana. Hull built this shelter before 1990 to prepare for a nuclear annihilation prophecy that never came true.

The shelter was designed to hold enough food, water, and fuel to support about 90 people, for seven months at the most.

Hull designed the entrance of the shelter out of recycled oil tanks, which he believed would deflect radiation.

A bomb shelter in Livermore, California.

A shelter in the middle of a field in San Pete County, Utah.

The Underground City, a shelter in Beijing, China.

Also known as the "Underground Great Wall," this shelter was built in the 1970's to prepare the Chinese for war with the Soviet Union.

Now, it's a popular tourist attraction.

The Seyfriend’s Shelter in Salt Lake City, Utah.

The Trendy Griboyedov Club in St. Petersburg, Russia. During the Soviet period, many underground shelters were built. Now, young people have converted them into trendy nightclubs and bars. However, the shelters can still be used for protection in the event of war.