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مرضــــــعة والــــــــــدها - Girl Lactating Her father


هذه هي احدى اللوحات العالمية المثيرة للجدل ... رسمها الرسام الاسباني Bartolome Esteban Murillo ... لكن الامر لا يتعلق بالوحة !! بل بالحادثة التي تشير لها هذه اللوحة ... الحادثة التي حقاً نستطيع القول بأنها هزت روما ....

رجل مسن حكم عليه بالموت جوعاً و كان قد سُمح لأبنته بزيارته بشكل يومي ... كان يتم تفتيشها بشكل دقيق جداً حتى لا تستطيع ادخال الطعام لوالدها .... كانت تشاهد والدها يومياً و حياته تتلاشى بسبب الجوع .... كانت تشاهد جسد والدها الممتلئ يُجلد من شدة الجوع ...والدها الذي رعاها و حماها منذ ولادتها .... الذي اطعمها و كساها

حتى اقدمت على فعل لا يمكن لأنسان ان يتصورة او لأبنة ان تقدم عليه... فعل قد يرى به البعض بشاعة كامنة و كسر لرابط الاب و ابنته ..

و قد ينبهر به البعض ويعتبره مثال للتضحية و الحب وقوة العلاقة بين الاب و ابنته ....لقد قامت بأطعام والدها من حليب ثديها حتى ضبطها الحراس و هي تقوم بأرضاعه ما سبب صدمه لهم و لمنفذي الحكم الذين انبهروا بما فعلت و اطلقوا سراح والدها تبجيلاً لحبها الذي تخطى اقدس الحدود

تنافس الرسامون في رسم القصة كل من منظوره الخاص ومن أشهر من رسموها روبنز وفان بابورين وتشارلز ميلين

ما رأيك انت بالامر ؟ 

This is one of the world's paintings controversial ... Painted by Spanish painter Bartolome Esteban Murillo ...But it does not mean the painting!! But the incident that indicate her this painting ... Incident that we can say that it really shook Rome ....

An elderly man was sentenced to death by starvation and had allowed his daughter to visit him on a daily basis ... Was being very careful inspected can not even enter the food to her father .... Her father was watching daily life fade because of hunger ....Was watching her father's body full of whipped the severity of hunger ... and her father, who gave her protection sponsored since its birth .... Who brought her food and clothes even proceeded to do can not be for a man to imagine or to his son that made ​​it ... An act that may be considered by some latent ugliness and break the link Father and daughter ..

And may be it's fascinated by some people and is considered the epitome of sacrifice and love and the strength of the relationship between father and daughter .... she had to feed her father from the milk of her nipples until it was revealed by guards who saw her lactating him what caused big shock to them and to the perpetrators of the referee who impressed what she did and freed her father venerated to love which exceeded the holiest borders

Painters competed in drawing all story from your perspective and months of painted Rubens and Van Papuran the Charles Miles

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