أكدت صحيفة ديلى ميل البريطانية أن حركة فيمن النسائية اقتحمت مؤتمرا إسلاميا فى بونتواز، بباريس، حيث قامت الفتيات باقتحام مسرح المؤتمر واستولتا على الميكرفون.
Shocking moment two topless feminist protestors storm Muslim conference - before they are dragged off and kicked on the floor
وأضافت الصحيفة أن امرأتين ما بين 25 و31 عامًا، اقتحمتا المؤتمر وكتبتا على ظهريهما العارى "لا أحد يجعلنى أستسلم"، مؤكدة أن الحراس أجبروا المرأتين على النزول من على خشبة المسرح وطرحوهم أرضا ثم جذبوهم إلى الخارج.
- Two women storm on stage at the Muslim event
- north west of Paris, France
- Protestors, naked from the waist up, had messages written on their bodies
- Footage shows them being dragged off stage by security and group of men
- One man can be seen aiming kicks at one of the women while she was on the ground
وقد بدأت حركة فيمن فى عام 2008 فى أوكرانيا، وهى حركة سيئة السمعة تستخدم العرى من أجل دعم احتجاجاتهم ضد الحكومات والمنظمات التى لا يوافقون عليها حسب قول الصحيفة .
This is the moment two topless feminist protesters stormed a Muslim conference before being kicked and dragged off.
Footage shows the two women, who are naked from the waist up, jumping on stage at the event in Pontoise, to the north west of Paris in France.
The unnamed women, aged 25 and 31, can be seen grabbing microphones, shouting out and punching the air as the two men leading the conference retreat to the back of the stage.
Protest: Two women, naked from the waist up, stormed the stage at a Muslim conference near Paris
The unnamed women can be seen grabbing microphones, shouting out and punching the air as the two men leading the conference retreat to the back of the stage
Both had messages written in black across their chests with one translating as: 'Nobody makes me submit'.
Moments later the two women were hauled away as the event descended in to chaos.
The first woman is carried off by a security guard while the other continues to protest on stage. But seconds later, more men arrive and the second is dragged away.
Dramatic footage appears to show a man kicking out at one of the women while she was on the ground.
Both had messages written in black across their chests with one translating as: 'Nobody makes me submit'
The first woman is carried off by a security guard while the other continues to protest on stage
Chaos: Dramatic footage appears to show a man in a white T-shirt and grey trousers (left) kicking out at one of the women while she was on the ground
The identities of the women involved are not yet clear but reports suggest that the activists were part of Femen.
The group, which began in Ukraine in 2008, is notorious for using nudity to promote their protests against governments and organisations with which they disagree.
Earlier this year, Femen activists disrupted a May Day speech by French far-right leader Marine Le Pen by making Nazi salutes and drowning her out with a bullhorn.
In chaotic scenes in Paris, two activists had also barged into a ceremony as the National Front leader laid a wreath in honour of Joan of Arc