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Breaking : Exclusive : One dead and another injured after 'UFO' appeared in the skies

طبق فضائي طائر يتسبب في مقتل شخصين

تسبب طبق طائر في مقتل وإصابة شخصين في روسيا، وفقا لما أعلنته صحف محلية روسية.

CAR cam footage of a road smash is going viral online after the poster alleged a Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) shot past just moments before the accident, which left one man dead and another injured.

Most people said the UFO looked like a bird

Most people said the UFO looked like a bird

وقع الحادث عندما ظهر جسم غريب فوق أحد الطرقات، وسارع بعض السائقين إلى ملاحقته بهدف تصويره، مما أدي إلى تصادم ثلاث سيارات، على أحد الطرق بمدينة ازفيسك غرب روسيا.

But most people who watched the video of the crash which involved three vehicles have concluded it to be a bird-brained theory, saying you can clearly see it was an "identified feathered object"…complete with flapping wings.

The dramatic crash was recorded by the dash camera of a vehicle travelling behind in Izhevsk, western Russia, on September 18.

A small object is seen flying over the road and then along trees parallel with it.

وأظهر فيديو نشره ناشطون روس على "يوتيوب"، جسما غريبا يحلق على الطريق ثم يختفي بين الأشجار قبل أن يعود ويختفي مره أخرى، مما جذب انتباه سائق أحد الشاحنات، التي انحرفت عن الطريق وتسببت في تصادم السيارات.

moments later a green truck suddenly swerves right into the roadside verge.

After the white car behind it pulls left into the centre of the road, it become clear why the truck took evasions action.

Three vehicles became involved in the smash

Three vehicles became involved in the smash

The white car is forced to break sharply as an out of control dark-coloured vehicle comes skidding from the opposite direction.

People who posted the video online are convinced an alien UFO was involved and in the clip zoom in on the object which appears to have flapping wings.

وزعم شهود الحادث أن الجسم الغريب الذي تسبب في الحادث، كان طبقا طائرا ظهر على الطريق بشكل مفاجئ.

Myunhauzen said on his YouTube channel: "The driver was staring at a UFO and crashed into the car in the oncoming lane."


The "UFO" seen in video above cars

He then claimed Nasa was hiding things before appealing for cash to buy a telescope to continue his research.

Local news agencies picked up on the story with one reporting "the object" was recorded "moving through the sky erratically before disappearing behind some trees".

Is it a bird?

Is it a bird? "UFO" when zoomed in

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