Rudolf Bruess of Austria devoted entire life to find the best natural cure for cancer. He made a special juice, which gave excellent results in the treatment of this disease. With the help of his method, cured more than 45,000 people from cancer and other diseases. According Bruess cancer can survive only with the help of protein.
Therefore, he developed a special diet for a period of 42 days, during which only drink teas and special vegetable juice, which main ingredient is beetroot. His secret of this method is that during these 42 days the cancer cells starve and die, while the health of the body improves.
Juice of Bruess is made only from ecologically grown vegetables. The juice can be made from domestic vegetable and comprises: beet (55%), carrots (20%), celery root (20%), potato (3%) and radish (2%). It is important to note that the juice of beet would not be exaggerate, but taken as long as the body does require therapy.
Beetroot is already traditional and well-known cure for leukemia. This vegetable contains amino acid betaine having anticancer features. Treatment with beets, which involves daily intake of beet juice or grated raw beetroot has a proven positive effect on leukemia and other cancers, as it’s witnessed by thousands of people.
But regular consumption of beetroot helps against diseases caused by oxidative stress, the fibers containing beet can reduce cholesterol levels up to 40%. Beetroot is known for normalization of blood pressure and helps preserve the elasticity of blood vessels.
Beets especially should consume pregnant women because it is rich in folic acid, which prevents many diseases in newborns. In addition, beet juice stimulates the liver and gall bladder, and in combination with carrot, beetroot is an excellent remedy for kidney disease. But his healing does not stop here, beetroot is incredibly healing and helps with headaches, toothaches, pain in the bones and etc.