ISIS Blows Up Ancient Temple, Vows To Destroy Egypt’s Pyramids
The terror group released a video allegedly showing the temple of Nabu in Iraq being destroyed

The final scene in the ten-minute video shows the Great Pyramid of Giza near Egypt's capital, Cairo and a fanatic pledging to blow up 'ancient sites built by the infidels'
نشر تنظيم "داعش"الإرهابي شريطا مصورا جديدا، يهدد فيه بنسف أهرامات مصر، أثناء هدم أحد المعابد الأثرية في العراق، ليظهر مدى جدية وعيده، وفقا لصحيفة "ديلي ميل"البريطانية.
ISIS threatens to destroy Egypt's PYRAMIDS in latest video showing fanatics 'blowing up 2,500-year-old temple in Iraq'
Footage shows militant vowing to demolish ancient temple of Nabu in Iraq
The clip then shows a massive explosion reducing the building to rubble
Militant dressed in black vows to blow up 'ancient sites built by infidels'

Video shows information signs on the temple wall before the explosion is shown from a number of different angles
تنظيم داعش واهرامات مصر
ISIS extremists have threatened to destroy the Egyptian pyramids - after releasing a video purporting to show fighters blowing up a 2,500-year-old temple in Iraq.
Footage shows a militant vowing to demolish the temple of Nabu in the ancient Assyrian city of Nimrud - before a massive explosion reduces a building to rubble.
The final scene in the ten-minute video shows the Great Pyramid of Giza near Egypt's capital, Cairo and a fanatic pledging to blow up 'ancient sites built by the infidels'.
وبدأ الشريط بعملية هدم معبد "نابو"، الذي يرجع تاريخه لأكثر من 2500 عام، بمدينة النمرود القديمة في العراق، فيما لم يحدد الشريط توقيت هدم المعبد المذكور، ولكنه أظهر صورا للمعبد بما يحتويه من رموز ونقوش أثرية قبل أن يتم تفجيره بالكامل.
Destruction: Footage shows a fanatic dressed in black pledging to blow up Egypt's ancient pyramids

Destruction: Footage shows a fanatic dressed in black pledging to blow up Egypt's ancient pyramids
الفيديو يظهر نقوشا وكتابات خاصة بمعبد نابو قبل تدميره بالكامل
وبعد عملية التفجير ظهر أحد عناصر "داعش"المكنى بـ"أبو ناصر الأنصاري"، وهدد بتدمير وهدم جميع المعابد الأثرية ومن بينها الأهرامات المصرية.
It is not known when ISIS targeted the Nabu temple - which was dedicated to the Babylonian god of wisdom, reports Vocativ, which sourced the video from online forums.
Video shows information signs on the temple wall before the explosion is shown from a number of different angles.
وهذه ليست المرة الأولى التي يهدد فيها "داعش"بنسف الأهرامات، إذ سبق وتوعد زعيم التنظيم أبو بكر البغدادي بهدم الأهرامات، وأبو الهول، بحجة أنها أصنام وتتعارض مع قيم العقيدة الإسلامية، على حد قوله.
ISIS also claim to show bulldozers destroying the Adad and Mashki gates at Nineveh, near Mosul.
Earlier this year, shocking pictures showed how ISIS militants had destroyed ancient monuments in the Syrian city of Palmyra.
The militants sparked a global outcry when they started destroying Palmyra's treasured monuments, which they consider idolatrous, after taking the city in May 2015.
واستعرض الشريط المنسوب لـ"داعش"أيضا مجموعة من الجرافات، مع التهديد بتدمير بوابات "أدد"، و"ماشكي"الأثرية بمدينة نينوى العراقية.
It is not known when ISIS targeted the Nabu temple - which was dedicated to the Babylonian god of wisdom

ISIS extremists have threatened to destroy the Egyptian pyramids - after releasing a video purporting to show fighters blowing up a 2,500-year-old temple in Iraq
صورة لتفجير المعبد
ويعد معبد "نابو"الذي هدم، أحد أهم المعابد الأثرية العراقية، الذي كان مخصصا لعبادة إله الحكمة البابلي، كما أنه يعتبر واحدا من المعابد والرموز الأثرية العديدة التي دمرها "داعش"في سوريا والعراق، وأشهرها آثار مدينة "تدمر"، التي حررها الجيش السوري مؤخرا.
They ransacked UNESCO World Heritage sites before finally being ousted after three weeks of fighting earlier this year.
Heads were sledgehammered off sculptures while priceless carvings were ripped off walls of museums during the terror group's devastating occupation of the city.
Extremists wrecked a number of important structures on the site, including the Temple of Baal, leaving experts with a difficult task of re-constructing the ancient landmarks.
A final scene of the video shows the Great Pyramid of Giza—the largest pyramid in a famous archaeological site near Cairo—and features an ISIS militant vowing to blow the Egyptian pyramids up and “demolish them with the help of God.” He calls the breathtaking structures “ancient sites built by the infidels.”
The attacks are the latest assaults by the Islamic State on the region’s antiquities. ISIS militants have systematically attacked and looted cultural heritage across Syria and Iraq, including antiquities at the Mosul Museum and the 2,000-year-old Arch of Triumph in the Syrian city of Palmyra. The damage to ancient sites across Iraq and Syria is so extensive that experts at UNESCO admit they haven’t been able to track all of it.