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فتاة حسناء يرصد "تنظيم داعش"الإرهابى مليون دولار لتصفيتها-ISIS PAYS 1M $ TO KILL THIS GIRL


الفتاة الحسناء التي خصص "تنظيم داعش"مليون دولار لتصفيتها

أعلن تنظيم "داعش"، السبت 17 ديسمبر، دفع مكافأة مالية قدرها مليون دولار مقابل تصفية فتاة دنماركية قاتلت في صفوف القوات الكردية ضد التنظيم في سوريا والعراق.

جوانا بالاني، 23 عاما، ورغم أن جميع خيارات الحياة متاحة أمامها، إلا أنها اختارت السفر إلى الشرق الأوسط، والانخراط في صفوف القوات الكردية التي تدعمها حكومة بلادها ضمن تحالف سياسي تقوده الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية لمحاربة التنظيم المتطرف.

هذا وعادت هذه الفتاة الدنماركية إلى بلادها لتواجه عقوبة السجن 6 أشهر لانتهاكها حظر السفر.

جدير بالذكر أن الدنمارك منعت مواطنيها من السفر للقتال على أي جبهة أجنبية، بغض النظر عن الموقف السياسي، وهدَّدت بمنع سفر من يتحدى القرار ومصادرة جواز سفره.

وقال محامي جوانا بالاني إن موكلته اعترفت باختراق الحظر، وأنها سافرت إلى الدوحة، يوم 6 يونيو الماضي، لكنه غير متأكد إذا ما كانت غادرت قطر إلى وجهة أخرى.

ومن المقرر أن تحضر بالاني أولى جلسات محاكمتها السرية، في 20 ديسمبر الجاري، حيث تواجه عقوبة السجن لمدة 6 أشهر، وفق ما أوضحت صحيفة "برلنسك"المحلية، مع الإشارة إلى أنها سابقة قانونية.

وأفادت الصحيفة الدنماركية بأنه تبيَّن أن والد بالاني وجَدَّها كانا عنصرين تحت لواء قوات البيشمركة، أما أصولها فإيرانية وكردية، لكنها سافرت إلى كوبنهاغن في طفولتها، بعدما ولدت كلاجئة في مخيم بالرمادي بالعراق خلال حرب الخليج.

وأشارت جوانا في مقابلة إلى أن قتل إرهابيي تنظيم "داعش"لم يكن صعبا.

وقالت جوانا إنه من السهل جدا قتل مسلحي "داعش"، مضيفة أنهم يضحون بأنفسهم بسهولة، ومؤكدة في السياق ذاته أن الجنود السوريين مدربون بشكل جيد جدا.

وأفادت الفتاة الدنماركية بأنها تركت الجامعة عام 2014 وذهبت لقتال تنظيم "داعش"، ففي بداية الأمر كانت تحارب في شمال سوريا في صفوف قوات الدفاع الشعبي، وبعد 6 أشهر انضمت إلى قوات البيشمركة الكردية.

وقالت جوانا: "أنا أتذكر أول ليلة، رأيت جنديا سويديا يقتل أمام عيني عندما ذهب ليدخن، ومع ذلك لم تقدر الحكومة الدنماركية شجاعة الفتاة، فعندما عادت إلى وطنها صادرت جواز سفرها ومنعتها من مغادرة البلد".



The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, often translated as Islamic State of Iraq and Syria and abbreviated as ISIS, is one of the biggest threats to everyone. Over 60 countries are directly or indirectly waging war against ISIS, and among millions of soldiers who are currently on the ground, a blonde Danish woman has revealed the secrets to eliminate ISIS from the face of the earth.

Joanna Palani, a young, beautiful and educated woman, who left her studies in the middle so that she can fight against IS, has revealed the key points to kill ISIS militants. She has relieved her time with Kurdish-led forces in Iraq and Syria fighting militants and how the Syrian Government forces last year. In an exclusive interview with Broadly, she talked about her life after she left Denmark in 2014 to fight ISIS for human rights.

Palani, now 23-year-old revealed that killing IS militants is not very tough but to take down the Syrian Government was not at all easy.

“ISIS fighters are very easy to kill. ISIS fighters are very good at sacrificing their own lives, but Assad’s soldiers are very well trained and they are specialist killing machines.”

While talking about her life journey, Palani further stated that she was born in Ramadi, Iraq and soon after she moved to Copenhagen. After leaving Denmark in 2014, Palani first traveled to Rojova in Syria where she fought alongside YPG for six months. After winning the battle, she moved to Peshmerga for another six months. Palani revealed that when she came back home after her Peshmerga’s fight, her passport was confiscated by the government. Luckily she is among the few fighters who managed to come back home from the ongoing war.

Now as she is back home, she still feels like going there and fighting the militants. Although, she does admit that all that glimmers is not gold.

Palani recalled her first night in the camp when a Swedish foreign fighter was shot right in front of her just because he was caught smoking a cigarette.

“I told him he shouldn’t be smoking on the frontline—but he didn’t take me seriously. I wasn’t taking it seriously when I first came there. But after the first attack I did. I took it seriously indeed, ma’am.'”

While her time on the front, she also trained some Kurdish fighters especially young girls who has shown some astounding skills.

“The young girls are amazing—they are exhilarated after coming back from the front lines. They are very brave, more brave than I could ever have been at their age.”

The sexual torture on young girls began as early as October 2011 and along with other soldiers, Palani was also assigned to liberate young girls from Mosul. She further revealed how a 11-year-old girl died in front of her eyes as she was pregnant with twins.

“All the girls were under 16—some were really young. I met this girl in the hospital we had to bring them to. She was a Syrian Christian and she died holding my hand because she was 11-year-old and she was pregnant with twins. Her little face was so swollen. It just wasn’t right. I remember the doctor crying and yelling at me and my first soldier.”

Well, Palani is not the only one who has openly talked about her days on the grounds where she killed IS militants. According to news.com.au, new footage has emerged online about an Iraqi war veteran who claimed that during his time on the ground, he has killed 170 ISIS militants.

Palani’s Facebook page is filled with her posts about her fight for the Kurds as well as how she still wants to fight for the better good of the society.

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