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Man Finds A Full Fried Snake In His Meal In Saudi Arabia


أغلقت بلدية محافظة بارق بمنطقة عسير بالمملكة العربية السعودية، أحد المطاعم بعد عثور مواطن على ثعبان داخل وجبة دجاج اشتراها منه.

Bareq municipality in the province of Asir  in Saudi Arabia, has closed one of the restaurants after a citizen found a full fried snake inside the chicken meal he bought from them.

إشترى الرجل وجبة دجاج مندي من أحد مطاعم بارق، وأثناء تجهيز زوجته الطعام، لاحظت شيئا غريبًا داخل وجبة الدجاج فأخبرته، وعندما فتح فوجئ بثعبان كامل مقلى داخل الدجاج.

The man bought a soggy chicken meal from one of Bareq restaurants, and his wife during the processing of the food, she noticed something strange inside the chicken meal and she told him, and he was surprised and amazed when he opened the meal to find a snake inside the chicken.

وبحسب صحيفة "بارق"، قال المواطن إنه أصيب بالدهشة من وجود ثعبان داخل الطعام، ثم ذهب لصاحب المطعم، وهو وافد آسيوي، وأخبره بالواقعة.

According to "Bareq," newspaper, the citizen said that he were surprised by the presence of a full fried snake inside the food, and then he went to the restaurant owner, the victim is a newcomer Asian, and told him about the incident.

قامت البلدية بإغلاق المطعم لمخالفته الإشتراطات الصحية والنظافة

The municipality has shut down the restaurant for violating the requirements of health and cleanliness

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