أكدت الشرطة البريطانية مقتل 19 شخصا وإصابة 60 آخرين على الأقل فى انفجار قاعة حفلات مانشستر أرينا فى بريطانيا وذلك أثناء حضور المئات حفل لمغنية البوب الأمريكية أرينا غراندي وقد وقع الإنفجار بعد أنتهاء الحفل مباشرة .
وأكد موقع صحيفة "ميرور"أن الشرطة البريطانية تتعامل مع الحادث على أنه هجوم إرهابي محتمل، وقد أظهرت مقاطع الفيديو للإنفجار فرار المئات من قاعة الحفلات فى حالة ذعر وصراخ والبعض منهم مغطي بالدماع بعد سماع دوي انفجار قوي. فيما نشرت الشرطة البريطانية على تويتر تدوينة توضح تكشف عدد القتلي والجرحي فى الانفجار الذي وقع مساء الأثنين، وطالبت السكان بعدم الإقتراب من موقع الإنفجار.
فى الوقت نفسه نجحت الشرطة من تفجير قنبلة ثانية بمحيط قاعة حفلات مانشستر أرينا، وقالت الشرطة على تويتر "سيتم تنفيذ تفجير محكوم فى حدائق كاتدرال بعد قليل .. لا تقلقوا إن سمعتم شيئا" .
وكانت قد هرعت الشرطة والمرحيات إلى مكان الحادث وأكد شهود العيان أنهم سمعوا انفجارا وشاهدوا دخان كثيف يتصاعد من أحد المناطق بالقاعة .وأشارت تقارير غير مؤكدة أن عدد من الجرحي يعانون من إصابات بشظايا. وأظهر فيديو صراخ وتدافع المئات داخل فاعة حفلات مانشستر أرينا بعد وقوع الانفجار.
وكان قد وقع انفجارين فى قاعة حفلات فى مدينة مانشيستر البريطانية مما أدي إلى حالة من الذعر والفزع وقد تدخلت الشرطة وقامت بفرض كردون أمني على المكان وسط أنباء عن سقوط قتلي وجرحي جراء الانفجار.
وبحسب شهود عيان فقد سمع دوي انفجارين على الأقل وذلك أثناء حفل غنائي ضخم في قاعة الحفلات. وأكد الشهود عن إطلاق عيارات ناريه .
وقال شهود عيان إنهم شاهدوا بعض الحاضرين وقد غطت الدماء اجزاء من اجسادهم. وقد هرع إلى عين المكان عشرات من سيارات الإسعاف لتقديم العلاجات الأولية للمصابين.
وأظهر فيديو نشر على يوتيوب أفرادا من الجمهور يصرخون ويركضون في المكان. وتم إغلاق المنطقة المحيطة بقاعة "مانشستر أرينا"و الشرطة تتعامل مع حادثة في المكان. كما توقفت رحلات القطارات أيضا في محطة فكتوريا مانشستر وتم إخلاؤها من المسافرين.
وكانت شرطة مانشستر قد قالت عبر تغريدة على صفحتها على تويتر إن "حادثا خطيرا"وقع بمكان في مانشستر كانت الفنانة أريانا غراندي تحيي حفلا فيه .
خبراء المفرقعات في موقع حادث مانشستر بانجلترا
كما قال تليفزيون سكاي نيوز اليوم الثلاثاء، إن فريقا من خبراء المفرقعات في بريطانيا يحقق في بلاغ عن انفجار في مكان حفل موسيقي كبير أوقع عددا من القتلى في مدينة مانشستر بشمال انجلترا.
وقال مراسل سكاي نيوز "سمعنا خلال الدقائق الخمس الماضية أو نحو ذلك، إن خبراء تفكيك المفرقعات وصلوا إلى المكان لبدء عمليات الفحص".
الشرطة البريطانية تنجح فى تفجير عبوة ناسفة ثانية قرب مانشستر أرينا
نفذت الشرطة البريطانية اليوم الثلاثاء تفجيرا محكوما لعبوة في مانشستر بعد مقتل 19 شخصا في انفجار قالت إنها تتعامل معه باعتباره "حادثا إرهابيا".
وأكدت قناة سكاي نيوز أن الشرطة البريطانية تمكنت من تفجير عبوة ناسفة ثانية بمحيط قاعة حفلات مانشستر أرينا . وقالت الشرطة على تويتر "سيتم تنفيذ تفجير محكوم في حدائق كاتدرال بعد قليل.. لا تقلقوا إن سمعتم شيئا".
مسؤولان أمريكيان: الاشتباه في أن انتحاريا نفذ تفجير مانشستر
قال مسؤولان أمريكيان، اشترطا عدم الكشف عن اسميهما، إن الدلائل الأولية تشير إلى أن انتحاريا نفذ التفجير الذي وقع في قاعة للحفلات الموسيقية في مانشستر بانجلترا والذي أودى بحياة 19 شخصا وإصابة60.
وقالت الشرطة البريطانية إنها تتعامل مع الانفجار الذي وقع في حفل للمغنية الأمريكية أريانا جراندي باعتباره "حادثا إرهابيا".
Two loud explosions were reportedly heard at an Ariana Grande gig at the Manchester Arena around 10.40pm on Monday
At least 19 people have been killed and 60 more injured after a suspected terrorist attack at the Manchester Arena.
Thousands of gig-goers were packed into the venue to see American singer Ariana Grande when two explosions were reported.
Minutes later eyewitnesses described seeing people "running and screaming" from the arena, with some covered in blood.
Greater Manchester Police released a statement just after 1am.
"19 people have been confirmed dead, with around 60 others injured," it said.
The incident is now being treated as a terrorist attack.
Swarms of armed police were joined by a bomb disposal unit as teams from across the region worked to secure the area and help the injured.
Only emergency access to North Manchester General
North Manchester General is currently on lockdown and only allowing access to emergency patients and ambulances.
Security are guarding the entrance of the road to the main car park and questioning people as they arrive.
More ambulances arrive at arena
Several fleet of ambulances are still arriving at the arena. Yet more police cars and vans are speeding around streets in the area, including what appeared to be an Army Land Rover.
All roads are cordoned off around the arena and Victoria Station with officers standing guard at the police tape.
Manchester Arena statement
Manchester Arena has just posted this tweet - they’re saying the incident took place ‘outside the venue, in a public space’
Police have confirmed fatalities and injuries from the incident.
Video footage from inside the arena earlier showed concert-goers fleeing the venue following reports of multiple explosions tonight.
One video has shown crowds of fans running down a stairwell in the venue as panic gripped the arena.
Another video filmed in the arena shows people trying to leave in a rush with screams also heard as pink balloons can be seen floating above some concert-goers.
One person is seen climbing over railings.
The police activity around the arena has been huge. There are blue flashing lights and cordons seemingly on almost every street corner.
The sound of the huge noise echoing around the city was caught on video footage - shot by Joe Gregory in a car park waiting to pick up his girlfriend at the Ariana Grande concert
A wide area around the venue itself has been completely taped off, and the crime scene appears to be widening, with police pushing people further and further back.
Shortly after the noise, Joe Gregory can be heard saying: "No!".
Other people have been more candid and have described seeing people covered in blood, or being treated by paramedics. There's still a huge sense of confusion and people are constantly searching for information while letting their families know they're safe.
Mr Gregory, 22, of Manchester, tweeted a video shot from his dashcam in a car parked near the arena.
He told social media his girlfriend was inside the venue.
Pat Carney, Manchester City Council's spokesman for the city centre, said the city's thoughts were with the families of those killed and injured.
"It's a very easy target - a concert hall where young people are enjoying music," he said.
"The public are really co-operating by staying away from what is basically now a crime site.
"The world we live in, police and the council have emergency procedures that we practise all the time.
"Obviously everyone in the city is shocked, having seen how young some of these people are
"The police are treating it as a live site, we don't know if this is the end or there are other incidents in that area... we don't know at the moment."
"If you look towards the left you see the explosion and hear the bang," he wrote on Twitter.
"I hope to GOD everyone is ok, and so glad Jess and Em are."
He confirms that there at 19 people dead and 60 others injured. Casualties are being treated at six hospitals across Greater Manchester.
He also confirmed it was being treated as a terrorist incident.
GMP chief constable's statement in full
Here is the statement that Chief Constable Ian Hopkins made a short time ago:
Emergency number set up for worried relatives
An emergency number has been set up that anyone worried about relatives can call - it is 0161 856 9400
GMP chief constable issues update
GMP Chief Constable Ian Hopkins has just held a press conference to give the latest information.
He earlier said: "Never felt so scared in my life."
Some people on social media claimed the video was faked as the footage was time stamped 9.30pm.
But Mr Gregory said the time was still set to BST and he was offended by the suggestion given his girlfriend was inside the venue.
Emergency services rushed to reports of two loud bangs described as 'explosions' tonight.
People attending the concert by pop star Ariana Grande fled in panic on hearing the noises - some in tears.
Greater Manchester Police tweeted to people to "stay away from the area".
"Emergency services are currently responding to reports of an explosion at Manchester Arena," police said.
"There are a number of confirmed fatalities and others injured.
"Please AVOID the area as first responders work tirelessly at the scene."
At least 10 police cars, five ambulances and two riot vans have been spotted rushing to the scene - and armed police have been spotted outside the arena.
Twitter users are reporting that they thought it was a 'gun shot' or 'bomb' - but sources say that it might be a speaker that blew during the performance or even balloons that had popped.
The noises were heard at the end of the show - with some reports placing them as having come from near the Victoria Station close to the Arena.
One fan at the concert described how the explosion hit the venue as fans were leaving the building.
Majid Khan, 22, said: "I and my sister, along with a lot of others were seeing Ariana Grande perform at Manchester Arena, and we were all exiting the venue when around 10.40-10.45pm-ish a huge bomb-like bang went off that hugely panicked everyone and we were all trying to flee the arena.
"It was one bang and essentially everyone from the other side of the arena where the bang was heard from suddenly came running towards us as they were trying to exit Trinity Way and that was blocked so everyone was just running to any exit they could find as quickly as they could.
"Everyone was in a huge state of panic, calling each other as some had gone to the toilet whilst this had gone off, so it was just extremely disturbing for everyone there."
At least 19 people are dead and almost 60 injured in what police are treating as a terrorist incident Monday night at Manchester Arena, where pop singer Ariana Grande was performing, Greater Manchester Police said.
As concertgoers -- many of them adolescent fans of the singer -- were beginning to leave the arena after Grande's closing set, an explosion rocked the area. Confusion followed as people fled in search of safety, and the sound of wailing sirens soon cut through the smoky air outside the arena.
19 people dead and almost 60 injured, Greater Manchester Police say
Explosions reported at 10:35 p.m. on Monday, local time
Law enforcement officials say a suicide bombing is the likely reason for the blast. A male at the scene has been identified as the probable attacker
UK Prime Minister Theresa May described the incident as an "appalling terrorist attack"
The incident took place outside the venue in a public space, Manchester Arena says. Venue held 20,000 people, many young fans
Emergency phone line set up for those who are concerned about loved ones: +44 (0)161 856 9400
The incident happened shortly after Grande had left the stage, according to eyewitnesses. Calvin Welsford, an 18-year-old concertgoer, said he heard a "loud bang" a couple of minutes after Grande's set had finished.
"Ariana was off the stage, she'd finished her set," he said. "I looked around because I heard this big bang, people screaming and crying and flooded towards the stage."
A US official said suicide bombing is now considered to be the "likely" reason for the blast and a male at the scene in Manchester has been identified as the probable bomber.
A US Department of Homeland Security statement said it was "closely monitoring" the situation and added that the department has "no information to indicate a 'specific credible threat involving music venues in the United States.'"
The city's Manchester Royal Infirmary Hospital was blocked off to all but essential staff due to what the facility called a major incident.
Grande, who had just finished the first of three scheduled UK performances when the blast hit, was not injured. She tweeted several hours later: "broken. from the bottom of my heart, i am so so sorry. i don't have words."
After the initial incident, police carried out a precautionary controlled explosion nearby but the item turned out to be discarded clothing, not a "suspicious item," Greater Manchester Police said.
The crowd was made up of mainly younger people who had come to see Grande in her first of three scheduled concerts in the UK, on her European and Latin American tour.
Hotels opened their doors to people who could not get home due to an area lockdown. A nearby Holiday Inn hotel became a focal point for parents searching for their children who had been at the concert.
Greater Manchester Police has established an emergency telephone number in response to the attack. It is: 0161 856 9400.
The prime minister has suspended her general election campaigning and will chair a meeting of the government's emergency Cobra committee later, in response to the attack.
Mrs May said: "We are working to establish the full details" of what had happened in Manchester.
"All our thoughts are with the victims and the families of those who have been affected," Mrs May said.
senior counter-terrorism officers were assembling in London and liaising with the Home Office.
Unconfirmed reports from two unnamed US officials suggested the attack was carried out by a suicide bomber.
Dashcam footage has captured the moment an "explosion" rocked the Manchester Arena tonight after an Ariana Grande concert.
The footage also shows a flash of light at the arena at the moment the noise can be heard to reverberate around the city.